What is Marketing Automation? College Intern Edition

If you were to ask me a year ago what Marketing Automation is, I would most likely muster up some response like, “Marketing tactics that are automated? Social media?” I had no clue what Marketing Automation was up until about 6 months ago, when I was given the opportunity to learn. In all of my previous Marketing classes, I have learned all about the basics: the 4 Ps, old school direct mail, etc. I was blind to the world that is Marketing Automation.

You’ve heard what Marketing Automation means to 21 experts, now it’s time to hear what it means to me, the college intern. Unfortunately, I don’t have a definition like the pros gave in our post. What I have is something a little different.


Marketing Automation has provided me with an opportunity that has opened up my eyes to a whole other world. Before I got this internship, I envisioned interning with a marketing company that I would probably just file papers at, get coffee for the rest of the staff, and be at my boss’s beckoning call. Somehow, I struck the lottery. I was given an opportunity to explore something much larger than I could have ever imagined.

Now, I still probably could not put into words a definition of Marketing Automation, although I understand what it is all about. It utilizes what this human race has developed, technology, to make marketing easier. It automates processes that would otherwise be extremely painful to complete, and that would most likely not even exist, blah, blah, blah. Instead of me going on and trying to put Marketing Automation into words, I will continue on what it means to me.

What it Means to Me

I have never been a techy kind of person. I never had any interest in Excel because it was too complicated for me, I couldn’t figure out a problem with a computer no matter how simple it was, and I only browsed the web for school related topics, social media, and retail purposes. I never would have imagined I’d be interested in marketing tactics that can be simplified by technology.

To me, marketing automation is technology that makes marketing easier. It automates processes to save time and provides visibility into marketing success.

I’m pretty much a nobody in the marketing world, a college kid with big dreams, and I get to work for a somebody who has a ton of knowledge to share. I have learned more than I ever could have in any type of class, and I have learned it through teaching myself, asking questions, and through our blog posts. And I’ve realized that this is how you learn things in the adult world, you have to look for answers and utilize your resources.


One year ago, I would never have pictured myself where I am today; running the social media for RevEngine, being the content manager for RevEngineInsider, and writing my own blog posts for the site. Marketing automation has given me this amazing opportunity to expand my knowledge, experience, and most importantly, my idea on what I want for a job in the future. Plus, who knew I’d ever be interested in technology.

My boss, Jeff, gave me an incredible opportunity that I am so glad to have been offered. I am so thankful to him and to this world of Marketing Automation for allowing me to explore something I had never known before.

The post What is Marketing Automation? College Intern Edition appeared first on RevEngine Marketing.

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