On-Demand: Marketo Playbook Webinar

5 Key Plays for Marketo ROI in 2021

For the last webinar of 2020 we decided to look forward and kick start your 2021 Marketo strategy. Jeff Coveney, Digital Pi CMO, reviewed where you should prioritize your efforts and resources to see ROI from your Marketo investment in 2021. The top 5 plays from our 2021 Marketo Playbook include:

#1 Get Your Strategy in Order (And Tell Stories)

Are you guilty of batch and blast? We see this a lot with companies trying to execute marketing in 2020.  Budgets are lower and there is a lot of pressure to just go get things done. We understand it’s challenging, but focusing on strategic planning at the onset of your marketing campaign can save you from headaches and clean up later.

#2 Build a Team

So you have your plan in place, how do you execute? We have seen organizations create killer emails with great nurturing… that’s run by the email team. However, the advertising side of the house that runs the paid media campaigns is not aligned with said email team. In fact, some of those results don’t always feed into Marketo which means that the reporting element is not consistent. Get your teams aligned and see results across all teams.

#3 Clean Your Data Now

The first two plays revolved around strategy. Now you can dive into something a bit more meaty…. data! B2B marketing teams allocate many resources to support the actionability of the lead data their programs generate. Wasted budget on invalid leads, time spent scrubbing untargeted and duplicate leads and standardizing the good ones for upload to the database, and appending information to incomplete leads all costs marketing teams a great deal in time and money.

Learn more about our Data Services to promote better data hygiene.

#4 Map Your Marketing to Programs

Marketo programs are the foundation of your marketing. Everything comes from proper program organization. If we go back to the first step (set strategy), you’ll need to build out these new programs in Marketo to house the new assets and measure appropriately. But, you also have all your legacy programs. What are you doing there? NOW is the time to cleanup otherwise membership will carry over to 2021 reporting.

To schedule a MARKETO HEALTH CHECK click here!

#5 Refresh Your Brand If Needed

A new year is a perfect time to freshen your brand. Freshen up your brand, make it consistent for scale. With Digital Pi FLEX templates you can stay on-brand with customizable layouts, easily swap out sections customized to your brand needs.

It’s never too late to make next year your best yet, email us if you want more information about these plays from our 2021 Marketo Playbook!

Your marketing technology experts.

At Digital Pi, we use technology to connect revenue to marketing efforts. We fuse marketing strategies, processes, data and applications to make marketing technology solutions work for clients' businesses.

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